Patient Reviews

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*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results

“I have struggled with weight since I was 12 years old. I have tried many diet plans and lost weight many times, and always thought about food constantly. This is the first time that I believe that I can keep it off. I have lost almost 65 pounds, and I am not hungry all the time. I have learned to enjoy exercise and really ‘life.”

— Janet

“I have lost about twenty-five pounds, which was a blessing – but not as great as how I have been able to reduce and/or eliminate medications with all blood work greatly improved. The most valuable part of my experience was the positive support and commitment to genuinely help me improve my health. I would definitely recommend MMS to a friend; however, it takes two – Dr. Hendrick & his staff are great, but you also have to be committed to improve.”

— Charles

“I was so frustrated! I would hike 40 to 60 miles a week and lift weights three days a week and gain and lose the same three pounds.

My health is a huge concern as every male in my family over 50 was diagnosed with diabetes. I didn’t want to become the next one – so in consultation with my primary care doctor, he recommended Dr. Hendrick.

I couldn’t be more pleased. I have lost 45 pounds and am excited about losing more!”

— Rod

“A while ago I was very close to 400 pounds. Under the guidance of Dr. Hendrick, I have lost ~100 pounds and am on my way to losing more. Through a combination of diet change and medications, as well as exercise, Dr. Hendrick has guided me along the path to a healthier customized lifestyle for my circumstances. I feel much much happier, my diabetes is under control, and I could not have done it without him and his staff. I would 100% recommend them to anyone. I especially like that they coach more on lifestyle than anything else. I did not want to do weight loss surgery, and thanks to them I don’t have to.”

— Ryan

“I had let myself become overweight in the course of time to the point that my goals of employment were unachievable, as there are restrictions to size in my field of work. My desire to achieve my employment dream job led me here, but only through honest work and guidance would success be achievable. The staff at MMS crafted a plan: a real, achievable, no-guilt, no-judgment strategy. It required self-discipline but was so successful.”

— Josh

“I turned 70 last year and did not want to continue to carry all this excess weight around. My GP recommended Dr. Hendrick, and I’m so glad she did. Everyone in the office is helpful and kind. The color-coded meal suggestions are easy and helped me develop good eating habits. I am walking and exercising and feel so much better. Dr. Hendrick has helped me toward my goals and stimulated me to examine my relationship to food. It has been a life-changing relationship for me. Thank you all.”

— Rosie

“I knew during the first discussion with Dr. Hendrick that this was a program that would work for me. The introductory videos and discussion took a holistic view of the challenge, focusing on nutrition, physical activities, emotional well-being, and overall health. Given my health status, I did not wish to add medications or surgery as a weight loss solution. …Dr. Hendrick provided that solution by presenting a tailored eating plan with categories of food that were to be eliminated from my eating plan. That’s all it took for me to buy into the plan and program. I have now been working with this group for just over 1 year and have reduced 5 dress sizes, am physically active, am much happier, and feel healthier. I would definitely recommend MMS to friends or relatives because the program is tailored to the individual and it becomes part of an overall health plan.”

— Patricia

“Never was the guy with the 6 pack abs, but after slowly adding pounds in my 20s and 30s, I found myself at 235 lbs at 5’8″ in my late 30s. Clothes were uncomfortable, stairs were a pain, and I looked awful. I lost about 45 lbs in the last 6 months and have changed my eating habits now that I know how to build a meal. I would recommend MMS to anyone.”

— Darin

“I have battled being overweight since I was a toddler. I’ve been through everything from Weight Watchers to liquid fasts and gastric bypass. This total approach (medical, exercise, and psychology) works – just like everything else when you follow the path laid out for you.”

— Pat

“When I first came to Dr. Hendrick’s office, I was pretty desperate and extremely worried about my health. I had tried several different “fad” diets, losing weight only to gain it all back, plus more! With my current health issue, it became very important for me to get the weight under control and learn good habits to keep it under control. Dr. Hendrick has helped me get my weight under control and learn and develop good habits to keep it under control for life!”

— Andi

“For the past decade, my weight continued to increase to a very unhealthy level. I attribute this to very unhealthy eating habits and multiple pregnancies. I tried various weight loss programs half-heartedly and never made the full lifestyle change that was needed. My cholesterol was very high, and I knew weight related health issues were around the corner. I decided it was time to make a real change in my life. With just small changes, I saw major improvements. At each milestone, I pushed myself to do better. I have lost over 70 pounds in 8 months and feel great, all with the support of Dr. Hendrick, his lifestyle change plan for losing weight and getting healthy, as well as a lot of hard work and determination. The program provided simple steps that I was to do to start out on my weight loss journey. Meeting with the doctor monthly helped keep me on track and give myself small goals for the next visit that were attainable. …The truth of the matter is that I have so much more energy than I did before losing weight. I now have energy to play with my children, exercise daily, clean the house, work in the yard, and socialize with others.”

— Sue

“I have been seeing Dr. Hendrick for a year and have not only lost weight, but more importantly, my physical health has improved along with my mental and spiritual life. I have been on many weight loss programs and lost weight only to gain it back. With the help of Dr. Hendrick and his staff, I not only lost weight but also learned about food and how it relates to my body and mind. I learned that certain foods are very addictive and trigger my desire to overeat, even food that can be considered healthy to some. Those foods that are very addictive make it hard, if not impossible, to control the amount I eat. I have a whole new outlook on my relationship with food. This is the difference between their weight loss programs and other weight loss programs. I would highly recommend the Bariatric and Lifestyle program with Dr. Hendrick. It has given me a whole new understanding of my body and how it relates to food.”

— Rita

“I need a new knee because it is worn out. I went to see about getting it done and the doctor looked at me and said, ‘If you lose weight, I’ll do it!’ He said my goal is to lose 80 pounds as soon as possible. I was recommended to the clinic (MMS). Started the program in July 2020, and now in mid-September I am down 35 pounds already. The program works.”

— Ron

“I got to the point in my life where I just accepted that I was just going to be the way I was… until my doctor told me that diabetes was knocking on my door. It scared me, and I had to make a change. I refuse to live my life as a patient. Finding your facility has been the best decision I have ever made. My body feels better inside and my attitude and outlook has improved 100%. My progress was slow and steady, the encouragement was amazing, and the results were unmistakable. I’m happier, healthier, and empowered to never accept that being unhealthy is just OK. Thank you all so much for bringing me back!”

— Maureen

“I have failed so many weight loss plans previously, largely because the stress of being ‘perfect’ caused me to feel awful and then more stressed. With Dr. Hendrick, there is no stress or guilt. Only support and strategies. You aren’t expected to be perfect, because perfect is impossible. Yet despite this, the program has been very successful. I’m so happy I learned of his practice and decided to make that first appointment.”

— Rebecca

“I have always struggled with my weight. Knowing that I am facing a knee replacement, I know I had to do something different. I have been able to lose weight, and my mobility and energy level has greatly improved.”

— Debra

​“Before I went to see Dr. Hendrick, I was on five medications (three of which were for high blood pressure) and just felt tired and bloated all the time. My family physician recommended that I have the lapband surgery or one of the other bariatric surgeries out there. He also gave me Dr. Hendrick’s name as a non-invasive way to improve my life. After doing extensive research on the surgeries, I realized it was not for me and was extremely determined and motivated to make this work. After 10 months at MMS, I am off of four of my medications, down 81 pounds, and feel more energized than I have in many years. I have three younger kids that I run and play sports with, and can just keep up with now. I am still determined to lose more weight and get off that last medication.”

— Debbie

“Mere words do not explain how ecstatic I am with my weight loss experience at Medical Metabolic Specialists, the practice of Dr. Hendrick. I have tried all the diets and don’t get results unless I eat things I don’t like or have to exercise every day. I fall off the diet quite frequently because I don’t like to exercise nor have the time. With Dr. Hendrick’s guidance, I have been able to lose 30 pounds in four months, never feeling like I am on a diet, as I eat things I like without reason and I don’t exercise other than the steps I get in at work. I truly feel like I am living my life to the fullest and eating things I enjoy. I highly recommend Dr. Hendrick and his staff to everyone! Don’t wait another day to feel great and look great again! If I can do it at 55, so can you!”

— Rhonda W.

“I’ve always been a bigger guy, and over the past few years I have struggled even harder with weight management and gain. I’ve put on over 60 pounds.

With the caring help from Dr. Hendrick and his team, I have been able to find a more sustainable lifestyle to prompt weight loss. Not only lose weight but also get rid of the unhealthy midsection fat that was causing health risks. I gained more energy and motivation for a healthier lifestyle. Thank you.”

— Charles

“I am a former bariatric patient and had the gastric sleeve done in 2013. After seven years, it was hard to realize that my weight was beginning to come back, and I panicked. I needed some help to kickstart the weight loss again and train the brain to think differently about my food choices. Dr. Hendrick did that for me, and the strategy I was given will stick with me in my continued success to be healthy. ”

— Sandra

“I am 57 years old and have always wanted to lose those extra pounds. Easy to think about, harder to do, until my general doctor chided my cholesterol levels – borderline going to the up direction. Rather than go on medicine, I opted to try MMS. I am thrilled with the progress I am making and appreciate the support of the MMS clinic. Thank you, thank you. I am reaching my goal to live a healthier lifestyle.”

— Manetta

“After several attempts and various methods of losing weight, I got a referral from my GP to Dr. Hendrick…Dr. Hendrick’s explanations and encouragement fit with my style and expectations. I have lost 20+ pounds, lowered my LDL cholesterol, and improved my waist measurement and body fat percentage. The most valuable aspect was the thorough and scientific approach and explanation of what needs to be done to lose weight and improve health.”

— Karen

I’ve been traveling along the road to weight loss for the past 50 years. Along the way, I have been side-tracked by many lose-weight-fast paths and have fallen off the road many, many times. At the age of 60, I suddenly was faced with three “highs” with the names of cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. At the proverbial fork in the road, I sought out the help of Dr. James Hendrick and his supportive staff at Medical Metabolic Specialists. My path was set straight and my destination became clear. As I become closer to achieving my weight loss and health goals, I know that I am on the right road!”

— Marilyn

“I gained a lot of weight during two crucial periods in my life – the weight gain was closely connected to two episodes of severe depression and also to ongoing medication for depression. I lost weight in the Weight Watchers program, gained it ALL PLUS MORE back; lost weight in the Metabolic Research Center’s program and once again gained it all back PLUS A LOT MORE. Resigned myself to being obese. After several years of living with this situation, my primary care doc referred me to Dr. Hendrick and I began the journey with him with very tentative feelings. Step by step, though, Dr. Hendrick’s program WORKED: 1) By keeping in mind what I learned from him, and 2) by going slowly and customizing the program to fit my lifestyle and my specific biology and situation. I lost weight – AND, even more significantly – have been successful so far at keeping it off. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Hendrick and his wonderful staff for taking me on this journey and for equipping me with life skills that will help ensure long-term success. I appreciate all the positive feedback and moral support they have continued to give me, and I am glad to have a place – a resource – to come back to if I need to.”

— Sharolyn

“I’ve had terrible eating habits all my life. My folks used to send me with snacks (like milk and cake) for recess to put some “meat on my bones.” As an adult, I kept gaining weight. I once went to individual nutritional counseling through my HMO and lost 25 pounds. I kept it off for five years and regained it all back by seven years. I quit going to the gym after a foot injury. At this point in my life, I needed a severe lifestyle change. I didn’t just need to lose weight. Coaching has led me to accountability for my actions, and I’m a different person now. I am still a work in progress and will continue to improve.”

— Peg

“Found that after retirement, I was putting on extra weight while still exercising. Dr. Hendrick created a diet for me that set limits and made me accountable for my results. Worked on me physically as well as mentally, which is a big part of my success. Have had great results, and I’m feeling and moving much better.”

— William

“I have had difficulty managing my weight all my adult life. Even with regular exercise, I continued to gain weight. After fracturing my tibia and fibula, I was both very heavy and out of shape. I struggled to do things I loved to do – like bicycle with friends. I wanted to feel strong again. My regular doctor had told me about Medical Metabolic Specialists. I decided it was time to get help with my weight. This approach has worked for me. This program encouraged me to follow the plan and log my meals. It gave structure to my eating, improved the quality of food, and made me think of happiness and sleep in new ways.”

— Kathi

“Each state of one’s life span comes with unique challenges which, if left unmet, can have negative developmental consequences. For retired septuagenarians like me, it’s time to reconcile the gap between today’s reality and yesterday’s dreams — where did I intend to end up, where did I land, and can I live comfortably with the difference? The gap between an outdoorsy, athletic self-image and the reality of what I saw in the mirror and the obvious decline in what I could do in the mountains loomed large for me. Rather than live with the difference, I sought help from Medical Metabolic Specialists. I’ve shed over 30 pounds of pure fat in recent months. I still cannot snow bike with the twenty-somethings; however, the person I was last winter, I left him behind at the bottom of the hill. True, I had some work to do, but the key ingredients were Dr. Hedrick and his staff. If the goal is a new lifestyle, or perhaps your old one, centered on health, fitness, and the ability to do stuff again, I cannot say enough good things about the staff at Medical Metabolic Specialists. Recommend without reservation.” ​

— Phillip

Ready to lose weight & live a healthier life?

Ready to lose weight & live a healthier life?